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Public Posting Policy - CVA Social Media and Website / Blog 

CT Votes for Animals 501 (c)(4) (CVA) reserves the right to review or delete any posts with comments it deems inappropriate including, but not limited to the following: 

  • Off-topic comments including promotion or solicitation of products, programs or services not related to or affiliated with CVA

  • Comments that use foul language or "hate speech” including but not limited to racial, ethnic or gender bashing language

  • Personal attacks or defamatory statements or comments about a commenter 

  • Comments that violate the privacy of any individual.


  • CVA accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information made by commenters on its social media sites, and such opinions do not necessarily reflect the policies of CVA.  

  • CVA specifically disclaims all liability for claims or damages that may result from any posting on this site. 

  • In no event shall CVA be liable for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on information on this site.

  • You may not link to any sites of political candidates or parties or use the CVA social media sites to promote political campaigns. 


PO Box 266, East Windsor, CT 06088

Connecticut for Animals Education Fund is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

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